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Hot Chocolate An Addiction You Can't Resist

hot chocolate is like a hug from inside

Blustery cold days should be spent propped up in bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a pile of comic books - Bill Waterson.

Christmas may be over.... but winter is still around and so is the Hot Chocolate weather. Have you made your cup of Hot Chocolate yet? Or you are yet to find the perfect recipe for a warm and heavenly cup of Hot Chocolate? If Yes, you are at the right place.

Hot Chocolate is like a hug from the inside and there is nothing like a mug of freshly made Hot Chocolate on a wintery evening. A little over indulging during the festive season should NEVER leave you feeling guilty. One should always carry on eating the things they love day to day or week to week, whilst achieving their dream goals. One can also present it in different styles and serve Hot Chocolate.

Hot Chocolate also comes with a rich history. In the early 1500s Cortez the Explorer, brought Cocoa beans and the Chocolate drink-making tools to Europe. Although the drink still remained cold and bitter-tasting, it gained popularity and was adopted by the court of the King Charles V as well as the Spanish upper class. The English began the practice of adding milk to chocolate, sometime in the 1700s.

Yum it Up

To make the Hot Chocolate look more visually appealing and to add up to the taste one can add Marshmallows, some Whipped Cream, top it with some Sprinklers, Chocolate twigs or Pistachio Crumbles and last yet not the least a Strawberry.

Now to make your day more cosy and comforting make some Hot Chocolate for yourself because Chocolate is the Answer, no matter what the Question is!!

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